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作者:laoshi来源:厚学诗词网发表于:2020-02-18 09:31:04阅读:256

A cigarette after a meal, happy as the fairy. "The other words right, but for a long time, a cigarette for you it is not enough.

Smoking increases the risk of cancer, also can let you lungs become yellow, if is pregnant women smoke, belly child is very poor, will suffer because you smoke. Have a friend call you smoke, please say "no", not easy to accept each other, make oneself sink down. The disadvantages of smoking too much too much, smoke so expensive, how do you willing to spend money to buy? Smoke a pack a day, a year, it will all be spent a lot of yourself or for her to earn the money.

If I were you, I would put the money to buy cigarettes, over the years, you can buy more valuable items. If your boyfriend is a dazed and confused love smoking guy, please advise him not to smoke any longer, if not be persuaded, also asks you to slowly, quietly leave him. Also good smoke, smoke can let you have a lot of spirit, but it is the burden, the consequence is very serious, people stop smoking, we should also be a good happy for him.

Today smoking is a lot of, if your mom and dad, will smoke, please also advise them!!!! Secondhand smoke also is very bad.

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