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A happy day at the camp(夏令营中快乐的一天)

作者:laoshi来源:厚学诗词网发表于:2021-07-20 21:25:29阅读:105

Today was Thursday. We went to the McDonald’s for lunch. We got there by school bus. On the bus we were very excited. We couldn’t stop talking. Liz told us some jokes, we all laughed. Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the McDonald’s. We saw so many delicious food, hamburgers, chicken wings, French fries and so on. We all like them very much. The teachers offered us a hamburger, some fries and a cup of cola each. We enjoyed them very much. Then the teacher said, “If you are not full, you can buy it yourself”. So some students bought some other food again.

About one hour later, we finished our lunch. And we took the school bus back to school.

We had a great day today.

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