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Jims family吉姆的家庭

作者:laoshi来源:厚学诗词网发表于:2021-10-05 10:52:44阅读:581

A picture is on my desk. This is a picture of Jims family. The man is Jims father. A woman is behind Jim. She is his mother. They are teachers. A girl is in the picture, too. She is Jims sister. Her name is Kate Green. Jim and his sister are in the same school. But they arent in the same grade. They look like their mother. They are English.

在我的桌子上有一幅画。这是Jim的家庭照片。照片里的这个男人是Jim的父亲。有一个女人站在Jim背后。她是他的母亲。他们是老师。照片里还有一个女孩。她是Jim的妹妹。她的名字是Kate Green。Jim和他的妹妹在同一个学校。但他们并不在同一个年级。他们看起来像他们的母亲。他们是英国人。

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