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作者:laoshi来源:厚学诗词网发表于:2020-10-02 14:22:44阅读:251

Simba,the prince of the animals' kingdom,whose life was not always happy.Simba's uncle,carried out an evil plan.To save his dear son,the old lion king died.And Simba,with his uncle taking his father's place,had no other choice but to flee.On his aimless road,he met two new friends,a weasel and a boar.They were hearty.

The friendship between Simba and the other two brought him great courage.Through efforts of himself and help from his friends,Simba finally defeated his uncle and became the king of the animals.

This film taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that only through perseverance can one reach his goal.

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