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作者:laoshi来源:厚学诗词网发表于:2022-01-08 17:14:16阅读:360

Having read the Collections of Globally Influential Speeches ofAmerican presidents , I was deeply impressed by the speaker.

The book is composed by 15 pieces of articles ,primarilyincluding their Farewell Address ortheir Inaugural address . The speeches revealdifferent subjects , such as conservation of Natural Resource ,figuring out the financial problems, liberating the slaves ,andetc. But then they have the same faith , to makethe nation better and better .

Of them , there are 2 articles impressing me a lot.

The Emancipation Proclamation was lectured by Lincoln , one ofthe most distinguished president in American histoty .He claimedthat the black has the equal right with the write . He declaredthat the people held as the slaves would gain their own freedom .He warned the slave holders that they were not slave holder anymore , because they have no right to control or to interfere theirindividual daily routine . The labor faithfully for reasonablewages . He said in such a tough and exciting tone that everyoneheard of it would be appalled by his firm belief and determination. The spirit do stimulate the bottom of my soul . That is apowerful justice .

Another speech was lectured by Theodove Roostvelt , named"Conservation of Natural Resource " . He claimed that theconservation of natural resource is fundamental requirement . Hepointed out that to destroy our natural resourceand exhaust the land , would undermine the day of our children . Hewas first politician who initially put forward the concept ofenvironmental protection . He also put forward the schemes ,involving the irrigation , fencing , building the water conservancyproject ,and etc. His reform has the praticial significance , whichopen up the pace of sustainable development.

Although American presidents hold different prespectivetoward managing the nation , they have the samebelief --to serve for people and nation faithfully .

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