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作者:laoshi来源:厚学作文网发表于:2022-02-10 13:08:37阅读:404

假定你是高三(1)班的班长李雷。几天前,你们班有个同学因为闯红灯被汽车撞倒, 现在还在医院里面,请你给全班同学写一封倡议信。






Dear Classmates,

The other day, one of our classmates was knocked down by a car at the crossing.

Yours truly,

Li Lei

遵守交通规则的倡议信 英语作文范文

Dear Classmates,

The other day, one of our classmates was knocked down by a car at the crossing. It is not the car driver but the student himself who is to blame due to the fact that he ran through the red light.

Records show that an increasing number of people die in traffic accidents every year, most of whom walk regardless of speed limits, talk and laugh while riding bikes and cross the road without noticing the traffic lights. This will not only do harm to their own lives but also put other people in

danger. So many people violate traffic regulations that we should attach great importance to traffic safety.

Only when everybody is aware of the problem can we be safe on roads.

Yours truly,

Li Lei

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