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作者:laoshi来源:厚学作文网发表于:2022-10-10 22:05:49阅读:156

Can suck the pen of paper

A few days ago, a difficult problem was encountered when I write line of business, my think hard, ush on the head with the pen will obliterate, want to know right answer very much. When I put down the pen, as it happens has one flake paper to be on the side, adhered with the pen at a draught, I was stupefied, a unit of length 2 bonze -- feel do not wear ains, how is this to return a responsibility after all? Then, I tried a few times continuously, small scrip was stuck to go up by the pen, I think: does it also have the function that can you suck iron like magnet? My suddenly be enlightened, the teacher has said: Want a plastic stuff to chafe on the head only, can arise electrostatic, so my small scrip can be adhered by the pen.

Original, there is science everywhere in the life, want us to observe seriously only, try hard to explore, can discover a lot of secret!

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