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My weekend我的周末

作者:laoshi来源:厚学诗词网发表于:2020-12-02 09:57:16阅读:107

What do you do on weekends? When I have free time, I will play with friends, we went to play basketball in the morning, outside in the restaurant after lunch to go to the cinema, then go to drink afternoon tea, go to amusement park, after the home until very late. I would go for a walk by the lake with my parents, or go boating in the park to relax. But I most is to stay at home, because I have a lot of things to do, I will write my homework all day Saturday and Sunday I have dance class and math class in the morning and in the afternoon, I can read, can play computer games, you can listen to music or watch TV for a while, then go to bed early and get up early to go to school the next day. This is my weekend, full and meaningful. How did your weekend go?

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