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My pet hamster我的宠物仓鼠

作者:laoshi来源:厚学诗词网发表于:2023-02-08 03:41:23阅读:540

When I got to latifas house, I knock the door,"knock,knock. Anyone home?" "Yes!"latifa reply."Can i have your hamster cage since you dont have a hamster anymore." "What for? Do you have a hamster?" "Oh yes!"i felt rather annoying but I still answer." "Alright!" she reply.

Once I get the cage,I put my presious hamster in. Latifa came out to play too. she hold my hamster and the furry thing roll about in her hand."Its cute!"she say. We play the hamster untill I must go home for dinner."Bring it to play tommorrow!"latifa say"I will!"i reply and we all go home.

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